Tuesday, March 29, 2011

8 years

WOW! 8 years went fast lol. Well not really.
Our time in the military came to a close this past week. He received his DD214 in the mail.
I have mixed feelings, I am glad that he won't be deployed anymore, but on the other hand I have missed the active duty I have for 4 years now. Even though he was active for the tour in Iraq 08-09 it still wasn't living on a base.
So the new chapter in our life has started really. Duane is in school full time now, he is going to a local college here in IN. He loves it for the most part. He also has 2 online class that he doesn't like so much the one is okay but the other the teacher is a butt hole lol.
So during the summer we will be taking all of his classes on campus.
I am super proud of him and always have been.
So now I am Army vet's wife. :)

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