Sunday, June 14, 2009

Hi all

Well, it is has been a while again, R&R is over, you can view my pics on here or on face book.
We had a wonderful time, I didn't want him to go back, since he has been back, I had the a cold when he was here and it got a little bit worse when he left, due to stress I am sure.
Then a couple of weeks ago, started feeling pain on the way to work on a Tue, right after Memorial weekend, I was off on Mem. day and I felt really bad on the way to work then the more I was at work the worse I felt, I told my boss that something was wrong and of course she him hawed around and I was in so much pain, I started to get sick, it was awful, my asst. offered to take me to the ER, she went and told my boss that I had to go, my doc. told me to go now.
She stayed with me, and so did our maintenance man he stayed for a bit too, then they left, I was all alone, and in so much pain, I was throwing up a little, and they had 2 emergencies come in 2 people with heart attacks so they couldn't get to me until about an hour later, they started my IV then left for a while, it seemed like forever, then my nurse came in with the doc, she felt my stomach, and said, she was sure it was a kidney stone, I thought it was an ovary that burst.
They started some pain meds, I had a CT scan, they did see however an ovary that was enlarged and they said, do you know you have Deg. disc disease, I am like, yep, I do know that, lol

Well I went back to work the next day they were hoping that I would pass it, I had to call a Urologist and he wanted to see me, he said, that I would need surgery so they scheduled it for that Friday, my boss was not happy that I had to have surgery, that meant 3 of us at work all had surgery on that day.
Oh, well, she would not have survived a kidney stone, she goes home all the time with all kinds of stuff wrong with her, I worked 2 days in pain, then had surgery, take care of things here after surgery, then had to get stuff at wal-mart that Sunday, and was off that Monday due to a stint they had to have in all weekend, that hurt like hell, let me tell you.

It was bad, it was a horrible experiance to go through all by yourself, that is a coupld times this deployement that I have had to do that, plus everything that goes on here.

Last weekend my mom fell, she had a slight concussion, she has a cracked tailbone, and a compress fx. of her middle back, she is so stubborn, she needs to start using her walker.
The doc. started her on a kidney pill and she doesn't want to take it, I am going to start counting her pills, she reminds me so much of her dad, he was so stubborn as well, he didn't take care of himself at all.

Well I have work to do around here,
another day and life of an army wife, alone, and on the last stretch of this deployment.


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