Saturday, March 27, 2010

It has been a while since I wrote, we are doing great so far, since this last deployment. Went back right in where we left off, things have changed around the household though, grandma has took a turn for the worse.
Nicole is in a custody battle over Corden.
Erika is moving to FL. with Robby.

All in a matter of 6 months.
I also am not working as of this past week, a lot of soul searching was done this week and I am going to stay at home and be a stay at home housewife lol. I will be taking care of grandma along with hospice, she is at The Maples for rehab after a bout of getting really dehydrated and a UTI and her dementia is a lot worse that comes a long with those symptoms as well.

As far as the Army goes, we might stay in after his contract is up in 2011 in the spring I think it is for the best, it is stable, with this job market nothing is that stable.

Got to go and fold socks lol
